8.3.5. Tables for Subsurface Parameters Introduction

ParFlow domains with complex geology often involve many lines in the input script, which lengthens the script and makes it more cumbersome to navigate. Python PFTools makes it easy to do the following:

  • Load in a table of your subsurface properties

  • Export a table of the subsurface properties

  • Load a database of common soil and geologic properties to set up your domain Usage of SubsurfacePropertiesBuilder

First, we’ll show some usage examples of loading tables of parameters within a ParFlow Python script:

from parflow import Run
from parflow.tools.builders import SubsurfacePropertiesBuilder

table_test = Run("table_test", __file__)

table_test.GeomInput.Names = 'box_input indi_input'
table_test.GeomInput.indi_input.InputType = 'IndicatorField'
table_test.GeomInput.indi_input.GeomNames = 's1 s2 s3 s4 g1 g2 g3 g4'

# First example: table as in-line text
soil_properties = '''
# ----------------------------------------------------------------
# Sample header
# ----------------------------------------------------------------
key     Perm   Porosity   RelPermAlpha  RelPermN  SatAlpha  SatN    SatSRes    SatSSat

s1      0.26   0.375      3.548         4.162     3.548     4.162   0.000001   1
s2      0.04   -          3.467         2.738     -         2.738   0.000001   1
s3      0.01   0.387      2.692         2.445     2.692     2.445   0.000001   1
s4      0.01   0.439      -             2.659     0.501     2.659   0.000001   1

# Creating object and assigning the subsurface properties
SubsurfacePropertiesBuilder(table_test) \
  .load_txt_content(soil_properties) \              # loading the in-line text
  .load_csv_file('geologic_properties_123.csv') \   # loading external csv file
  .assign('g3', 'g4') \                             # assigns properties of unit 'g3' to unit 'g4'
  .apply() \                                        # setting keys based on loaded properties
  .print_as_table()                                 # printing table of loaded properties

At the top of the script, we import the SubsurfacePropertiesBuilder class from parflow.tools.builders. Then, after specifying the GeomInput.indi_input.GeomNames, we include a table for the soil properties as an in-line text variable. Note that the GeomInput.indi_input.GeomNames are in the first column (key), and the parameter names are across the top. These parameter names don’t have to match the key names exactly, but they have to be similar. We will explain this later.

We load the soil_properties text by calling the load_txt_content method on the SubsurfacePropertiesBuilder object. To load the geologic properties for the geometric units g1, g2, and g3, we call load_csv_file to load an external csv file. That now leaves one unit, g4, that needs properties. We use the assign method to assign properties to unit g4 from the properties of unit g3. Now that all the geometric units have properties, we call apply to set the appropriate keys. The print_as_table method prints out the subsurface properties for each unit. Executing this example will result in a table that looks something like this:

key  Perm  Porosity  RelPermAlpha  RelPermN  SatAlpha  SatN   SRes   SSat
s1   0.26  0.375     3.548         4.162     3.548     4.162  1e-06  1.0
s2   0.04  -         3.467         2.738     -         2.738  1e-06  1.0
s3   0.01  0.387     2.692         2.445     2.692     2.445  1e-06  1.0
s4   0.01  0.439     -             2.659     0.501     2.659  1e-06  1.0
g1   0.26  0.375     3.548         4.162     3.548     4.162  1e-06  1.0
g2   0.04  -         3.467         2.738     -         2.738  1e-06  1.0
g3   0.01  0.387     2.692         2.445     2.692     2.445  1e-06  1.0
g4   0.01  0.387     2.692         2.445     2.692     2.445  1e-06  1.0 Table formatting for importing

Let’s have another look at the in-line table from the usage example above:

soil_properties = '''
# ----------------------------------------------------------------
# Sample header
# ----------------------------------------------------------------
key     Perm   Porosity   RelPermAlpha  RelPermN  SatAlpha  SatN    SatSRes    SatSSat

s1      0.26   0.375      3.548         4.162     3.548     4.162   0.000001   1
s2      0.04   -          3.467         2.738     -         2.738   0.000001   1
s3      0.01   0.387      2.692         2.445     2.692     2.445   0.000001   1
s4      0.01   0.439      -             2.659     0.501     2.659   0.000001   1

These tables can be formatted in a number of different ways. Here are several considerations:

  • Any blank rows or rows beginning with # are ignored in processing.

  • Delimiters can be either commas or spaces.

  • Table orientation does not matter (i.e., whether the field names are across the first row or down the first column). The only requirement is for that the top-left entry be key or one of its aliases.

  • The table does not have to be completely filled. As shown here, blank property values must be designated by a hyphen.

  • To properly process the table and map to the correct keys, the field names (including key) must be one of several possible aliases. The aliases are listed in this yaml file that is included in the Python PFTools. These aliases include the exact end of the key name (e.g., Perm.Value as opposed to the alias Perm), so when in doubt, you can use the exact name. Default database loading

We have added several databases of commonly used parameters for different soil and geologic units to provide some helpful guidance. To load these database, you can simply call the load_default_properties method on the SubsurfacePropertiesBuilder object. The available databases in the Python PFTools package can be found in the “subsurface_*.txt” files here. You can load any of the databases into your SubsurfacePropertiesBuilder object by passing in the database argument, which is the latter part of the database file name (e.g. “subsurface_conus_1.txt” can be loaded by calling load_default_properties('conus_1')). The default database is from Maxwell and Condon (2016). Note that the parameters in the databases are all in the default ParFlow units of meters and hours.

Below is an example of how to use the default database importer on the Run object db_test:

# setting GeomNames
db_test.GeomInput.Names = 'box_input indi_input'
db_test.GeomInput.box_input.InputType = 'Box'
db_test.GeomInput.box_input.GeomName = 'domain'
db_test.GeomInput.indi_input.InputType = 'IndicatorField'
db_test.GeomInput.indi_input.GeomNames = 's1 s2 g2'

# setting dictionary for mapping from database properties (i.e. the keys of map_dict)
# to the different subsurface units (i.e. the values of map_dict)
map_dict = {
  'bedrock_1': ['domain', 'g2'],
  'sand': 's1',
  'loamy_sand': 's2'

  .load_default_properties() \
  .assign(mapping=map_dict) \
  .apply() \

The dictionary map_dict maps the database properties to the subsurface units in your Run object. Note that the properties from the database unit bedrock_1 are applied to both domain and g2. If you are assigning a database unit to multiple GeomNames, these must be input as a list, as shown. This will print the following:

key     Perm     Porosity  SRes   RelPermAlpha  RelPermN
domain  0.005    0.33      0.001  1.0           3.0
g2      0.005    0.33      0.001  1.0           3.0
s1      0.269    0.38      0.14   3.55          4.16
s2      0.0436   0.39      1.26   3.47          2.74 Full API for SubsurfacePropertiesBuilder

  1. SubsurfacePropertiesBuilder(run=None)

    Instantiates a SubsurfacePropertiesBuilder object.

    param run

    An optional Run object. If provided, it will use the subsurface units in run for later applications. run must be provided as an argument either here or when calling the apply() method (see below).

  2. load_csv_file(tableFile, encoding='utf-8-sig')

    Loads a comma-separated (csv) file to your SubsurfacePropertiesBuilder object.

    param tableFile

    String path to the input .csv file.

    param encoding

    The text encoding format of your file. Defaults to utf-8-sig, which should translate files generated from Microsoft Excel.

  3. load_txt_file(tableFile, encoding='utf-8-sig')

    Loads a text file to your SubsurfacePropertiesBuilder object.

    param tableFile

    String path to the input .txt file.

    param encoding

    The text encoding format of your file. Defaults to utf-8-sig.

  4. load_txt_content(txt_content)

    Loads in-line text to your SubsurfacePropertiesBuilder object.

    param txt_content

    In-line text string.

  5. load_default_properties(database='conus_1')

    Loads one of several databases of subsurface properties.

    param database

    Default database. Options are:

    'conus_1': Soil/rock properties from Maxwell and Condon (2016).

    'washita': Soil/rock properties from Little Washita script.

    'freeze_cherry': Soil/rock properties from Freeze and Cherry (1979). Note: Freeze and Cherry only has permeability and porosity.

  6. assign(old=None, new=None, mapping=None)

    Assigns properties to the new subsurface unit using the properties from the old subsurface unit. Alternatively, a dictionary (mapping) can be passed in as an argument, which should have the keys as the old units, and the values as the new units. If an old unit will apply to multiple new units, the new units need to be passed in as a list.

    param old

    String source unit with existing parameters

    param new

    String target unit to which the parameters from old will be mapped.

    param mapping`

    Dictionary that includes the old units as keys and new units as values.

  7. apply(run=None, name_registration=True)

    Applies the loaded subsurface properties to the subsurface units in the Run object run. If run is not provided here, the user must provide the run argument when instantiating the SubsurfacePropertiesBuilder``object. If ``name_registration is set to True, it will add the subsurface unit names (e.g., s1, s2 from the example above) to the list of unit names for each property (e.g., setting Geom.Perm.Names = 's1 s2 s3 s4'), and set the addon keys not associated with a specific unit (e.g., Phase.RelPerm.Type).

    param run

    Run object to which the loaded subsurface parameters will be applied. If run=None, then the run object must be passed in as an argument when the TableToProperties is instantiated.

    param name_registration

    Boolean value. If True, sets the auxiliary keys (e.g., GeomNames) related to the loaded subsurface properties.

  8. print()

    Prints out the subsurface parameters for all subsurface units in a hierarchical format.

  9. print_as_table(props_in_header=True, column_separator='  ')

    Prints out the subsurface parameters for all subsurface units in a table format.

    param props_in_header

    will print the table with the property names as column headings if set to True, or as row headings if set to False. Exporting subsurface properties

It is often useful to have a table of the subsurface properties assigned to various subsurface units during a run. As mentioned in the run script API, you can write out a table of the subsurface properties by calling the write_subsurface_table method on your Run object.

For example, try adding the following line just above the run() method call in the default_richards.py Python test, with the name of the output file passed in as the file_name argument:


If you do not provide file_name, the default file will be a .csv file with the name of your run and subsurface. In this case, the default file would be default_richards_subsurface.csv. Execute the Python script, and you should see the output file def_richards_subsurf.txt containing the following:

key         Perm  Porosity  SpecStorage  RelPermAlpha  RelPermN  SatAlpha  SatN  SRes  SSat
domain      -     -         0.0001       0.005         2.0       0.005     2.0   0.2   0.99
background  4.0   1.0       -            -             -         -         -     -     -

See that it only prints out the properties that are explicitly assigned to each of the subsurface units domain and background. Examples

Full examples of the SubsurfacePropertiesBuilder can be found in the new_features subdirectory of the ParFlow Python tests.

  • default_db: Loading the default database and mapping the database units to subsurface units in the current run.

  • tables_LW: Showing multiple ways to load tables to replace the subsurface property definition keys in the Little Washita test script.