8.3.6. Domain definition helpers Introduction

One of ParFlow’s strengths is its customizability; you can practically define any type of hydrologic problem with it. One of the downsides of that, however, is that setting all the keys can be cumbersome, especially when starting a run from scratch. With the new DomainBuilder, Python-PFTools helps condense the setting of keys for many common problem definitions. Usage of DomainBuilder

First, we’ll show some usage examples of loading tables of parameters within a ParFlow Python script:

from parflow import Run
from parflow.tools.builders import DomainBuilder

LW_Test = Run("LW_Test", __file__)

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

bounds = [
    0.0, 41000.0,
    0.0, 41000.0,
    0.0, 100.0

domain_patches = 'x_lower x_upper y_lower y_upper z_lower z_upper'
zero_flux_patches = 'x_lower x_upper y_lower y_upper z_lower'

DomainBuilder(LW_Test) \
    .no_wells() \
    .no_contaminants() \
    .water('domain') \
    .variably_saturated() \
    .box_domain('box_input', 'domain', bounds, domain_patches) \
    .homogeneous_subsurface('domain', specific_storage=1.0e-5, isotropic=True) \
    .zero_flux(zero_flux_patches, 'constant', 'alltime') \
    .slopes_mannings('domain', slope_x='LW.slopex.pfb', slope_y='LW.slopey.pfb', mannings=5.52e-6) \
    .ic_pressure('domain', patch='z_upper', pressure='press.init.pfb')

In this example, the 10 lines associated with the instantiation of the DomainBuilder class generate about 70 keys! As is possible with any other key setting, you can always overwrite the keys as necessary; the DomainBuilder is designed to help you get started. Once you instantitate the DomainBuilder object on a Run object, each method will set various keys with the given arguments, which are described below. Full API

  1. DomainBuilder(run, name='domain')

    Instantiates the DomainBuilder object on the Run object run.

    param run

    A Run object

    param name

    Defines the below key:

    run.Domain.GeomName = name

    The following examples of the method usage assume that the name of the Run object is run. All arguments for methods that are passed in as tokens in keys are denoted by {argument}.

  2. no_wells()

    Sets the key run.Wells.Names = ''

  3. no_contaminants()

    Sets the key run.Contaminants.Names = ''

  4. water(self, geom_name=None)
    param geom_name

    Value for run.PhaseSources.water.GeomNames key.

    The following keys are set by this function:

    run.Gravity = 1.0
    run.Phase.Names = 'water'
    run.Phase.water.Density.Type = 'Constant'
    run.Phase.water.Density.Value = 1.0
    run.Phase.water.Viscosity.Type = 'Constant'
    run.Phase.water.Viscosity.Value = 1.0
    run.Phase.water.Mobility.Type = 'Constant'
    run.Phase.water.Mobility.Value = 1.0
    run.PhaseSources.water.Type = 'Constant'
    # if geom_name is provided, it will set these keys:
    run.PhaseSources.water.GeomNames = geom_name
    run.PhaseSources.water.Geom.{geom_name}.Value = 0.0
  5. variably_saturated()

    This function sets the following keys:

    run.Solver = 'Richards'
    run.Solver.Nonlinear.MaxIter = 10
    run.Solver.Nonlinear.ResidualTol = 1e-5
    run.Solver.Nonlinear.EtaChoice = 'EtaConstant'
    run.Solver.Nonlinear.EtaValue = 1e-5
    run.Solver.Nonlinear.UseJacobian = True
    run.Solver.Nonlinear.DerivativeEpsilon = 1e-2
    run.Solver.Linear.Preconditioner = 'PFMG'
  6. fully_saturated()

    This function sets the following keys:

    run.Solver = 'Impes'
  7. homogeneous_subsurface(domain_name, perm=None, porosity=None, specific_storage=None, rel_perm=None, saturation=None, isotropic=False)
    param domain_name

    Value for run.Geom.Perm.Names key

    param perm

    Value for run.Geom.{domain_name}.Perm.Value key

    param porosity

    Value for run.Geom.{domain_name}.Porosity.Value key

    param specific_storage

    Value for run.Geom.{domain_name}.SpecificStorage.Value

    param rel_perm

    If provided, must be a dictionary with the following key/value pairs: {'Type': 'VanGenuchten', 'Alpha': 3.5, 'N': 2.0} If 'Type' = 'VanGenuchten', the dictionary values are used to set the run.Geom.{domain_name}.RelPerm.Alpha and run.Geom.{domain_name}.RelPerm.N keys, respectively.

    param saturation

    If provided, must be a dictionary with the following key/value pairs: {'Type': 'VanGenuchten', 'Alpha': 3.5, 'N': 2.0, 'SRes': 0.1, 'SSat': 1.0} Alpha and N are optional, and can default to the value of the corresponding properties in rel_perm. If 'Type' = 'VanGenuchten', the dictionary values are used to set the run.Geom.{domain_name}.Saturation.Alpha, run.Geom.{domain_name}.Saturation.N, run.Geom.{domain_name}.Saturation.SRes, and run.Geom.{domain_name}.Saturation.SSat keys

    param isotropic

    If True, will set run.Perm.TensorType key to 'TensorByGeom'.

    This function sets the following keys:

    # If perm is a value, it will set these keys:
    # Appending domain_name to the list of Geom.Perm.Names
    run.Geom.Perm.Names = domain_name
    run.Geom.{domain_name}.Perm.Type = 'Constant'
    run.Geom.{domain_name}.Perm.Value = perm
    # If perm is a file name, it will set these keys:
    run.Geom.{domain_name}.Perm.FileName = perm
    # If the file name is a PFB file:
    run.Geom.{domain_name}.Perm.Type = 'PFBFile'
    # If the file name is a NetCDF file:
    run.Geom.{domain_name}.Perm.Type = 'NCFile'
    # If porosity is a value, it will set these keys:
    # Appending domain_name to the list of Geom.Porosity.Names
    run.Geom.Porosity.GeomNames = domain_name
    run.Geom.{domain_name}.Porosity.Type = 'Constant'
    run.Geom.{domain_name}.Porosity.Value = porosity
    # If porosity is a file name, it will set these keys:
    run.Geom.{domain_name}.Porosity.FileName = porosity
    # If the file name is a PFB file:
    run.Geom.{domain_name}.Porosity.Type = 'PFBFile'
    # If the file name is a NetCDF file:
    run.Geom.{domain_name}.Porosity.Type = 'NCFile'
    # If specific_storage is provided, it will set these keys:
    # Appending domain_name to the list of SpecificStorage.GeomNames
    run.SpecificStorage.GeomNames = domain_name
    run.SpecificStorage.Type = 'Constant'
    run.Geom.{domain_name}.SpecificStorage.Value = specific_storage
    # If rel_perm is provided, it must be a dictionary with the following key/value pairs:
    # {'Type': 'VanGenuchten', 'Alpha': 3.5, 'N': 2.0}
    # Asing this dictionary, it will set the following keys:
    # Appending domain_name to the list of Phase.RelPerm.GeomNames
    run.Phase.RelPerm.GeomNames = domain_name
    # If Type = VanGenuchten, it will set the following keys:
    self.run.Geom.{domain_name}.RelPerm.Alpha = rel_perm['Alpha']
    self.run.Geom.{domain_name}.RelPerm.N = rel_perm['N']
    # If saturation is provided, it must be a dictionary with the following key/value pairs:
    # {'Type': 'VanGenuchten', 'Alpha': 3.5, 'N': 2.0, 'SRes': 0.1, 'SSat': 1.0}
    # Alpha and N are optional, and can default to the value of the corresponding properties in rel_perm
    # Using this dictionary, it will set the following keys:
    # Appending domain_name to the list of Phase.Saturation.GeomNames
    run.Phase.Saturation.GeomNames = domain_name
    # If Type = VanGenuchten, it will set the following keys:
    run.Geom.{domain_name}.Saturation.Alpha = saturation['Alpha']
    run.Geom.{domain_name}.Saturation.N = saturation['N']
    run.Geom.{domain_name}.Saturation.SRes = saturation['SRes']
    run.Geom.{domain_name}.Saturation.SSat = saturation['SSat']
    # If isotropic is True, it will set these keys:
    run.Perm.TensorType = 'TensorByGeom'
    # Appending domain_name to the list of Geom.Perm.TensorByGeom.Names
    run.Geom.Perm.TensorByGeom.Names = domain_name
    run.Geom.{domain_name}.Perm.TensorValX = 1.0
    run.Geom.{domain_name}.Perm.TensorValY = 1.0
    run.Geom.{domain_name}.Perm.TensorValZ = 1.0
  8. box_domain(box_input, domain_geom_name, bounds=None, patches=None)
    param box_input

    Value for run.GeomInput.Names key

    param domain_geom_name

    Value for run.Geom.{domain_geom_name}

    param bounds

    A list of values in the format [lower_x, upper_x, lower_y, upper_y, lower_z, upper_z], that set the Lower.X, Upper.X, Lower.Y, Upper.Y, Lower.Z, and Upper.Z keys for the run.Geom.{domain_geom_name}

    param patches

    Value for run.Geom.{domain_geom_name}.Patches

    This function sets the following keys:

    # Append box_input to the GeomInput.Names
    run.GeomInput.Names = box_input
    run.GeomInput.{box_input}.InputType = 'Box'
    run.GeomInput.{box_input}.GeomName = domain_geom_name
    # If bounds is not provided, it will default to using the ComputationalGrid keys to define the boundaries:
    run.Geom.{domain_geom_name}.Lower.X = 0.0
    run.Geom.{domain_geom_name}.Lower.Y = 0.0
    run.Geom.{domain_geom_name}.Lower.Z = 0.0
    run.Geom.{domain_geom_name}.Upper.X = run.ComputationalGrid.DX * run.ComputationalGrid.NX
    run.Geom.{domain_geom_name}.Upper.Y = run.ComputationalGrid.DY * run.ComputationalGrid.NY
    run.Geom.{domain_geom_name}.Upper.Z = run.ComputationalGrid.DZ * run.ComputationalGrid.NZ
    # Bounds should be provided as a list of coordinates in this order:
    # [lower_x, upper_x, lower_y, upper_y, lower_z, upper_z]
    run.Geom.{domain_geom_name}.Lower.X = bounds[0]
    run.Geom.{domain_geom_name}.Upper.X = bounds[1]
    run.Geom.{domain_geom_name}.Lower.Y = bounds[2]
    run.Geom.{domain_geom_name}.Upper.Y = bounds[3]
    run.Geom.{domain_geom_name}.Lower.Z = bounds[4]
    run.Geom.{domain_geom_name}.Upper.Z = bounds[5]
    # If patches is provided as a single string of the box domain patches (e.g., 'left right ...'), it will set this key:
    run.Geom.{domain_geom_name}.Patches = patches
  9. slopes_mannings(self, domain_geom_name, slope_x=None, slope_y=None, mannings=None)
    param domain_geom_name

    Is appended to the value of the run.TopoSlopesX.GeomNames key

    param slope_x

    If the value of slope_x is a number, this parameter sets the value for the run.TopoSlopesX.Geom.{domain_geom_name}.Value key. If it is a filename, this parameter sets the value for the run.TopoSlopesX.FileName key.

    param slope_y

    If the value of slope_y is a number, this parameter sets the value for the run.TopoSlopesY.Geom.{domain_geom_name}.Value key. If it is a filename, this parameter sets the value for the run.TopoSlopesY.FileName key.

    param mannings

    If the value of mannings is a number, this parameter sets the value for the run.Mannings.Geom.{domain_geom_name}.Value key. If it is a filename, this parameter sets the value for the run.Mannings.FileName = mannings key.

    This function sets the following keys:

    # If slope_x is provided, it will set these keys:
    # Appending domain_name to the list of TopoSlopesX.GeomNames
    run.TopoSlopesX.GeomNames = domain_geom_name
    # If slope_x is a number, it will set these keys:
    run.TopoSlopesX.Type = 'Constant'
    run.TopoSlopesX.Geom.{domain_geom_name}.Value = slope_x
    # If slope_x is a file name, it will set these keys:
    run.TopoSlopesX.FileName = slope_x
    # If the file name is a PFB file:
    run.TopoSlopesX.Type = 'PFBFile'
    # If the file name is a NetCDF file:
    run.TopoSlopesX.Type = 'NCFile'
    # If slope_y is provided, it will set these keys:
    # Appending domain_name to the list of TopoSlopesY.GeomNames
    run.TopoSlopesY.GeomNames = domain_geom_name
    # If slope_y is a number, it will set these keys:
    run.TopoSlopesY.Type = 'Constant'
    run.TopoSlopesY.Geom.{domain_geom_name}.Value = slope_y
    # If slope_y is a file name, it will set these keys:
    run.TopoSlopesY.FileName = slope_y
    # If the file name is a PFB file:
    run.TopoSlopesY.Type = 'PFBFile'
    # If the file name is a NetCDF file:
    run.TopoSlopesY.Type = 'NCFile'
    # If mannings is provided, it will set these keys:
    # Appending domain_name to the list of Mannings.GeomNames
    run.Mannings.GeomNames = domain_geom_name
    # If mannings is a number, it will set these keys:
    run.Mannings.Type = 'Constant'
    run.Mannings.Geom.{domain_geom_name}.Value = mannings
    # If mannings is a file name, it will set these keys:
    run.Mannings.FileName = mannings
    # If the file name is a PFB file:
    run.Mannings.Type = 'PFBFile'
    # If the file name is a NetCDF file:
    run.Mannings.Type = 'NCFile'
  10. zero_flux(self, patches, cycle_name, interval_name) :param patches: Values for run.BCPressure.PatchNames key :param cycle_name: Value for run.Patch[patch].BCPressure.Cycle key :param interval_name: Value for run.Patch[patch].BCPressure[interval_name] key

    This function sets the following keys:

    run.BCPressure.PatchNames += [patch]
    run.Patch[patch].BCPressure.Type = 'FluxConst'
    run.Patch[patch].BCPressure.Cycle = cycle_name
    run.Patch[patch].BCPressure[interval_name].Value = 0.0
  11. ic_pressure(self, domain_geom_name, patch, pressure) :param domain_geom_name: Value for run.ICPressure.GeomNames key :param patch: Value for run.Geom.{domain_geom_name}.ICPressure.RefPatch key :param pressure: Value for run.Geom.domain.ICPressure.FileName key

    This function sets the following keys:

    run.ICPressure.GeomNames = domain_geom_name
    run.Geom.{domain_geom_name}.ICPressure.RefPatch = patch
    # If pressure is a PFB file, it will set the following keys:
    run.ICPressure.Type = 'PFBFile'
    run.Geom.domain.ICPressure.FileName = pressure
  12. clm(met_file_name, top_patch, cycle_name, interval_name) :param met_file_name: Value for run.Solver.CLM.MetFileName key :param top_patch: Value for run.Patch.{top_patch} key :param cycle_name: Value for run.Patch.{top_patch}.BCPressure.Cycle key :param interval_name: Value for run.Patch.{top_patch}.BCPressure.{interval_name} key

    This function sets the following keys:

    # Ensure time step is hourly
    run.TimeStep.Type = 'Constant'
    run.TimeStep.Value = 1.0
    # Ensure OverlandFlow is the top boundary condition
    run.Patch.{top_patch}.BCPressure.Type = 'OverlandFlow'
    run.Patch.{top_patch}.BCPressure.Cycle = cycle_name
    run.Patch.{top_patch}.BCPressure.{interval_name}.Value = 0.0
    # Set CLM keys
    run.Solver.LSM = 'CLM'
    run.Solver.CLM.CLMFileDir = "."
    run.Solver.PrintCLM = True
    run.Solver.CLM.Print1dOut = False
    run.Solver.BinaryOutDir = False
    run.Solver.CLM.DailyRST = True
    run.Solver.CLM.SingleFile = True
    run.Solver.CLM.CLMDumpInterval = 24
    run.Solver.CLM.WriteLogs = False
    run.Solver.CLM.WriteLastRST = True
    run.Solver.CLM.MetForcing = '1D'
    run.Solver.CLM.MetFileName = met_file_name
    run.Solver.CLM.MetFilePath = "."
    run.Solver.CLM.MetFileNT = 24
    run.Solver.CLM.IstepStart = 1.0
    run.Solver.CLM.EvapBeta = 'Linear'
    run.Solver.CLM.VegWaterStress = 'Saturation'
    run.Solver.CLM.ResSat = 0.1
    run.Solver.CLM.WiltingPoint = 0.12
    run.Solver.CLM.FieldCapacity = 0.98
    run.Solver.CLM.IrrigationType = 'none'
  13. well(name, type, x, y, z_upper, z_lower, cycle_name, interval_name, action='Extraction', saturation=1.0, phase='water', hydrostatic_pressure=None, value=None) :param name: Name to be appended to run.Wells.Names key :param type: Value for run.Wells.{name}.Type key :param x: Value for run.Wells.{name}.X key :param y: Value for run.Wells.{name}.Y key :param z_upper: Value for run.Wells.{name}.ZUpper key :param z_lower: Value for run.Wells.{name}.ZLower key :param cycle_name: Value for run.Wells.{name}.Cycle key :param interval_name: Value for run.Wells.{name}.{interval_name} :param action: Value for run.Wells.{name}.Action = action key :param saturation: Value for run.Wells.{name}.{interval_name}.Saturation.{phase}.Value key :param phase: Value for run.Wells.{name}.{interval_name}.Injection.Flux.{phase} key :param hydrostatic_pressure: Value for run.Wells.{name}.{interval_name}.Pressure.Value key :param value: Value for run.Wells.{name}.{interval_name}.Injection.Flux.{phase}.Value key

    This function sets the following keys:

    # Append name to Wells.Names
    run.Wells.Names += [name]
    run.Wells.{name}.InputType = 'Vertical'
    run.Wells.{name}.Action = action
    run.Wells.{name}.Type = type
    run.Wells.{name}.X = x
    run.Wells.{name}.Y = y
    run.Wells.{name}.ZUpper = z_upper
    run.Wells.{name}.ZLower = z_lower
    run.Wells.{name}.Method = 'Standard'
    run.Wells.{name}.Cycle = cycle_name
    run.Wells.{name}.{interval_name}.Saturation.{phase}.Value = saturation
    # If type is set to 'Pressure', set Pressure.Value
    run.Wells.{name}.{interval_name}.Pressure.Value = hydrostatic_pressure
    # For extraction wells (run.Wells.{name}.Action = 'Extraction'), set these keys:
    # If type is set to 'Pressure' and value is provided, set Extraction.Pressure.Value
    run.Wells.{name}.{interval_name}.Extraction.Pressure.Value = value
    # If type is set to 'Flux' and value is provided, set Extraction.Flux.{phase}.Value
    run.Wells.{name}.{interval_name}.Extraction.Flux.{phase}.Value = value
    # For injection wells (run.Wells.{name}.Action = 'Injection'), set these keys:
    # if type is set to 'Pressure' and value is provided, set Injection.Pressure.Value
    run.Wells.{name}.{interval_name}.Injection.Pressure.Value = value
    # If type is set to 'Flux' and value is provided, set Injection.Flux.{phase}.Value
    run.Wells.{name}.{interval_name}.Injection.Flux.{phase}.Value = value
  14. spinup_timing(self, initial_step, dump_interval): :param initial_step: Value for run.TimeStep.InitialStep key :param dump_interval: Value for run.TimingInfo.DumpInterval key

    This function sets the following keys:

    run.TimingInfo.BaseUnit = 1
    run.TimingInfo.StartCount = 0
    run.TimingInfo.StartTime = 0.0
    run.TimingInfo.StopTime = 10000000
    run.TimingInfo.DumpInterval = dump_interval
    run.TimeStep.Type = 'Growth'
    run.TimeStep.InitialStep = initial_step
    run.TimeStep.GrowthFactor = 1.1
    run.TimeStep.MaxStep = 1000000
    run.TimeStep.MinStep = 0.1