9.3. PFB

9.3.1. Introduction

ParFlow Binary (PFB) files are an integral part of ParFlow, and we need an easy way to handle them. Fortunately, we have a several functions within pftools that help us with this. The parflow.tools.io module allows the user to work with numpy arrays, which are easy to visualize and manipulate in Python. We’ll walk through some examples working with PFB files in Python to see just how powerful this is.

9.3.2. Distributing

Let’s say you have mastered the conversion of a TCL script to Python, and you have a few PFB files that you need to distribute to convert your workflow to Python. Here, you can use the dist() method on your Run object that you created, as mentioned in the first tutorial:

LWvdz.dist('lw.1km.slope_x.10x.pfb', 'P'=2, 'Q'=2)

This will distribute the PFB file with the distribution assigned to the Process.Topology keys on the Run object (LWvdz in this example). However, this can be overwritten for a particular file, as shown above.

9.3.3. Creating PFB from Python

Let’s copy another test Python script into our tutorial directory:

mkdir -p ~/path/pftools_tutorial/pfb_test
cd ~/path/pftools_tutorial/pfb_test
cp $PARFLOW_SOURCE/test/python/base/richards_FBx/richards_FBx.py .

This test is a use case where an internal flow boundary is defined as a numpy array, written to a PFB file, and distributed for use in the run. Open the file, and add the following modules at the top:

from parflow import Run
from parflow.tools.fs import get_absolute_path
from parflow.tools.io import write_pfb, read_pfb
import numpy as np

We have already covered the first two in prior tutorials. The third line imports the read_pfb and write_pfb functions from the parflow.tools.io module, and the fourth line imports the numpy module. We convert a numpy array to a PFB file with the write_pfb() function:

# Create numpy array
FBx_data = np.ones((20, 20, 20))

# Reduction of 1E-3
FBx_data[:, :, 9] = 0.001

# Write flow boundary file as PFB with write_pfb() function
write_pfb(get_absolute_path('Flow_Barrier_X.pfb'), FBx_data)

This creates a 3D numpy array that covers the entire domain and changes the values in the array where X = 10 to 0.001. Note that the numpy array translation to a PFB file reads the dimensions as (Z, Y, X). write_pfb(get_absolute_path('Flow_Barrier_X.pfb'), FBx_data) writes the data from the FBx_data numpy array to a file called 'Flow_Barrier_X.pfb', which will be located in the current working directory, and distributes it.

Now, try running the file. It should execute successfully. Check out the files you now have in your directory - among the other output files is the ‘Flow_Barrier_X.pfb’ that you created! If you have a PFB reader tool (such as ParaView), you can see what the file looks like: a 20 x 20 x 20 unit cube with a low-conductivity slice through the middle. Nice!

9.3.4. Loading PFB from Python

Now that we understand how to write a PFB file, how about reading one? This can be useful to do inside a Python script so you can visualize or manipulate existing data. Visualizing output data within the same script as a run can be very helpful!

Let’s say you want to visualize some of your output data from the model you just ran, richards_FBx.py. In the script, add the following lines to the bottom:

FBx_press_out_data = read_pfb(get_absolute_path('richards_FBx.out.press.00010.pfb'))

print(f'Dimensions of output file: {FBx_press_out_data.shape}')

The first line reads the PFB file of the output pressure field at time step = 10 and converts the data to a numpy array. The print statements print the dimensions of the array and the data from the file. Save and run this script again to see the printed output. If you’re savvy with matplotlib or other visualization packages in Python, feel free to visualize to your heart’s content!

9.3.5. Full API

  1. read_pfb(file: str, keys: dict=None, mode: str='full', z_first: bool=True)

    Write a single pfb file. The data must be a 3D numpy array with float64 values. The number of subgrids in the saved file will be p * q * r. This is regardless of the number of subgrids in the PFB file loaded by the ParflowBinaryReader into the numpy array. Therefore, loading a file with ParflowBinaryReader and saving it with this method may restructure the file into a different number of subgrids if you change these values.

    If dist is True then also write a file with the .dist extension added to the file_name. The .dist file will contain one line per subgrid with the offset of the subgrid in the .pfb file.

    param file

    The name of the file to write the array to.

    param array

    The array to write.

    param p

    Number of subgrids in the x direction.

    param q

    Number of subgrids in the y direction.

    param r

    Number of subgrids in the z direction.

    param x

    The length of the x-axis

    param y

    The length of the y-axis

    param z

    The length of the z-axis

    param dx

    The spacing between cells in the x direction

    param dy

    The spacing between cells in the y direction

    param dz

    The spacing between cells in the z direction

    param z_first

    Whether the z-axis should be first or last.

    param dist

    Whether to write the distfile in addition to the pfb.

    param kwargs

    Extra keyword arguments, primarily to eat unnecessary args by passing in a dictionary with **dict.

  2. write_pfb(file, array, p=1, q=1, r=1, x=0.0, y=0.0, z=0.0, dx=1.0, dy=1.0, dz=1.0, z_first=True, dist=True, **kwargs)

    Write a single pfb file. The data must be a 3D numpy array with float64 values. The number of subgrids in the saved file will be p * q * r. This is regardless of the number of subgrids in the PFB file loaded by the ParflowBinaryReader into the numpy array. Therefore, loading a file with ParflowBinaryReader and saving it with this method may restructure the file into a different number of subgrids if you change these values.

    If dist is True then also write a file with the .dist extension added to the file_name. The .dist file will contain one line per subgrid with the offset of the subgrid in the .pfb file.

    param file

    The name of the file to write the array to.

    param array

    The array to write.

    param p

    Number of subgrids in the x direction.

    param q

    Number of subgrids in the y direction.

    param r

    Number of subgrids in the z direction.

    param x

    The length of the x-axis

    param y

    The length of the y-axis

    param z

    The length of the z-axis

    param dx

    The spacing between cells in the x direction

    param dy

    The spacing between cells in the y direction

    param dz

    The spacing between cells in the z direction

    param z_first

    Whether the z-axis should be first or last.

    param dist

    Whether to write the distfile in addition to the pfb.

    param kwargs

    Extra keyword arguments, primarily to eat unnecessary args by passing in a dictionary with **dict.

  3. write_dist(file, sg_offs)

    Write a distfile.

    param file

    The path of the file to be written.

    param sg_offs

    The subgrid offsets.

  4. read_pfb_sequence(file_seq: Iterable[str], keys=None, z_first: bool=True, z_is: str='z')

    An efficient wrapper to read a sequence of pfb files. This approach is faster than looping over the read_pfb function because it caches the subgrid information from the first pfb file and then uses that to initialize all other readers.

    param file_seq

    An iterable sequence of file names to be read.

    param keys

    A set of keys for indexing subarrays of the full pfb. Optional. This is mainly a trick for interfacing with xarray, but the format of the keys is:

    {'x': {'start': start_x, 'stop': end_x},
    'y': {'start': start_y, 'stop': end_y},
    'z': {'start': start_z, 'stop': end_z}}
    param z_first

    Whether the z dimension should be first. If true returned arrays have dimensions ('z', 'y', 'x') else ('x', 'y', 'z')

    param z_is

    A descriptor of what the z axis represents. Can be one of 'z', 'time', 'variable'. Default is 'z'.


    An ndarray containing the data from the files.